لذا، لا داعي للخوف من أن تصنيع قوالب الضغط المركبة مثل TQ سيصبح الآن شيئًا يتم حصريًا في الصين. تتخصص هذه الشركات في إنتاج قوالب قوية وعالية الجودة لمجموعة واسعة من المنتجات.
عرض المزيدA fun fact about it is that quite a lot of the things we use every single day: from toys, containers and even some parts of your clothes can actually be made by this unique process called plastic injection moulding. They are really important because ...
عرض المزيدManufacturing is a key part of the process when we make things. It means building products that users need and use daily.” Did you know that these things can be made differently? Compression moulding is a particular technique. TQ is what our company ...
عرض المزيدSo, Let's know about how we can produce plastic items less expensive? This moulding process is known as plastic injection mold. That’s when melted plastic is poured into a special shape, known as a mold, and allowed to cool into a hardened form....
عرض المزيدIf you have a project and need plastic parts, choosing the right manufacturing process for those parts is crucial. Plastic injection moulding is one such popular and efficient method by which this can be achieved. This approach involves using a speci...
عرض المزيدPlastic Injection Moulding is a unique process for producing all those plastic items that we use every day. This is an extremely important process as this allows the company to generate scalable products that are the same every time they produce them...
عرض المزيدThat's why TQ knows the importance of having the right tools shifting the making gears. Just as a chef needs good knives and pots to cook, factories need specialized tools to assist them in producing products. A very special tool that helps this proc...
عرض المزيدEver wondered how all the plastic stuff you see around you is made? From toys to parts in cars and machines, plastic is everywhere! Making plastic things is a little like a really cool magic trick where soft, melty material is asked to become just wh...
عرض المزيدWhat is Compression Molding?Stamping is a super gnarly way to make something out of plastic. Like when you press play-doh into a specific shape, that is what we call smc compression molding. This approach allows people to make all sorts of cool ...
عرض المزيدهل سبق لك أن رأيت لعبة بلاستيكية وتساءلت كيف تم تشكيلها؟ TQ إن صناعة الألعاب هي نوع خاص من السحر! هناك طرق مختلفة لتحويل المواد اللينة والطرية إلى أشياء صغيرة صلبة وممتعة نستمتع باللعب بها. لذا، سنتحدث اليوم عن ...
عرض المزيدHave you ever wondered about how people make toys, machine parts, or other cool objects? The end result comes from a special process called compression molding. It's like taking a giant, heavy-duty cookie cutter that deploys it into the materials to ...
عرض المزيدهل تساءلت يومًا كيف يتم تصنيع لعبة أو جزء من سيارة أو أداة مطبخ؟ إن عملية التشكيل بالقوالب هي خدعة رائعة حقًا لصنع كل أنواع الأشياء الرائعة! إن عملية التشكيل بالقوالب تشبه السحر الذي يأخذ المواد اللينة ويحولها إلى أشياء نستخدمها كل يوم. ما هو التشكيل بالقوالب؟
عرض المزيدفريق المبيعات المحترف لدينا ينتظر دائمًا استشارتك.